
Equipment Management
Customers can connect all the equipment they are responsible for to create an electronic equipment information table.
Service Request
When the monitored equipment needs to be serviced by the manufacturer / supplier, the service requirements can be initiated quickly and efficiently.
Process Management
For the initiated service order, the progress can be viewed in real time; all completed service ordered are achived and can be searched and viewed at a later date.
Service Evaluation
After the completion of the service order, a supervisor / owner can directly evaluate the service process and results.
1.Download & usage
Please search "黑料吃瓜网 黑料吃瓜网 GCP" in Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS) to download the App. For Android, you can also scan the following QR code (Password is 0000).
iPhone download QR code iPhone download QR code
2.Login, Sign Up and Forgot Password
Input your account (mobile number) and password to login. Choose the language on the top right corner: Chinese or English, and the app will change to the needed language. A new user can click "Sign Up" to turn to the signup page and create a new account. Click "Forgot Password" to turn to reset password page.
A new user will need to input a mobile number and password, then click "Obtain code" to get verification code, and input the verification code to sign up. The password should be at least 6 characters, no other limits; the name, company, country/region are optional information; it will turn to login page automatically after signing up successfully.
Input your mobile number and new password, then click "Obtain code" to get verification code, and input the verification code to reset password. It will turn to login page automatically after reseting password successfully.
3.My Machine & Machine Binding
After entering the application, select the "Machine" option in the bottom navigation bar to enter the my machine page, and you’ll see the machines currently connected to this account. You can search for a machine by entering the machine serial number. The floating button "+" can be dragged and dropped at will, and you can click it to turn to machine binding page to connect new machines.
The machine binding page is as follow: Entering the machine serial number which is on the machine nameplate to bind the machine; click "add another machine" to bind multiple machines at once. After each input of a machine serial number, it will verify whether the machine serial number is valid before the next operation. If it is invalid, it will remind "The machine is not registered, please contact crd@sany.com.cn", and the correct machine serial number should be re-entered. When the binding is successful, it will turn back to my machine page, and you can see the newly bound machine after dropping down to refresh the page.
4.Service Order and Create New Service Order
After login you can enter my service order page directly, or select the "service order" option in the bottom navigation bar to enter it. You can check all service orders that have been created; click the calendar icon to select start-end date and retrieve the relative service orders; click "submitted", "processing", "to evaluate" or "all" to check service orders in different status.
Service orders in the "submitted" status can be cancelled manually, and the records will not be deleted after the cancellation. Service orders in "to evaluate" status must be evaluated, click "evaluate" button to jump to the evaluation page. All service orders can be found in "all"; Click the hover button "+" to jump to create new service order page. If one machine has unfinished service order in CRM background system, user cannot create new service order and will see the reminder to consult CRM hotline; a service order may be automatically canceled or rejected by CRM background, at which point the service order status will change to "cancelled", which can be seen in "all" service orders.
Click one specific service order, it will jump to the "service order details" page of the service order, showing details, current progress of the service order, etc.
Create new service order page is as follows: You can select a machine (turn to select machine page), select service request/maintenance, fill in details, you can upload up to nine pictures, fill in the contact person of the service order, and click "address" to jump to the location-select page.
In the location select page, it will use the mobile's real-time GPS location as the default location and display on screen. Meanwhile, users can manually select other locations on the map to locate the machine, and the descriptions below will automatically change accordingly; users can also search by manually entering the address in the top address search bar.
The select-machine page is for creating new service order which is as follows: If there are bound machines, you can directly select a machine. If there is no bound device, click the hover button "+" on the page to jump to the previously mentioned machine binding page, and bind machine first. After binding, it will automatically jump back to the select-machine page, and the newly added machine can be seen by the drop-down refresh. After successfully creating a new service order, it will turn back to my service order page, and you can see the newly created service order when the drop-down menu is refreshed.
5.Service Order Evaluation
For the service orders under "to evaluate" status mentioned before, click "evaluate" button to turn to evaluation page. A user can choose service level for each item on the questionnaire and give overall assessment message. For those items selected as "neutral/ dissatisfied/very dissatisfied", the statement of unsatisfied conditions must be filled in. NOTE: the app will indicate that the required fields are not filled in and the form will not be able to submit.
Click "Me" on the bottom navigation bar to enter this page, which shows the user account information.
The account (contact number) cannot be modified, and contact number is the account telephone number by default and cannot be changed either. The name, company, country/region can be modified, the display language can be changed and the password can be changed (turn to change password page).

Click "tutorial" to jump to tutorial page, where the video tutorial and user guidelines are provided. CRM service hotline: 4006098318
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